The Pilates On Demand Private Studio is located in Encino, CA address provided after booking is confirmed.
In Home Private Sessions and Virtual Sessions also available.
Services Provided:
Pilates Classes (Equipment and Mat)
Yoga Classes (Alignment based Iyengar, Hatha, Yin, Restorative, Breathwork, and Meditation)
Flexibility Classes
Health Coaching
There is no quick fix or magical workout plan that is going to get you in shape. It comes down to changing your lifestyle and being consistent.
Pick activities you like and a maintainable eating plan.
Being fit isn’t “oh I’m going to diet and restrict myself really hard and workout everyday for the next month” if you do that you will be tired and most likely fall off your “plan” because it’s not a lifestyle, you can’t actually maintain that. The results are usually fatigue, increased body fat, binging .. all the stuff you’re trying to avoid.
So stop dieting, weighing yourself too often, working out to extremes when you are actually in need of restoration. START listening to your body, finding movement that feels good and challenges you, take days off, eat healthy, and mind your mental health. Eat to fuel yourself, eat dessert, drink wine in moderation and stop restricting yourself.
Here’s the surprise 🥳 you will not want it so bad when you stop telling yourself you can’t have it!
🙌🏼 up for LIFESTYLE
Finding health is all about your lifestyle. I will help you discover a maintainable way of eating and moving your body on a daily basis. The plan will not be a restrictive diet or a quick and easy fix. I will help you find a sustainable way to live your life and incorporate exercise that you enjoy. The plan we create together will be individualized for you, for your likes, dislikes and goals. My goal for you is for you to feel better in your body and improve your happiness. I’m here for you as a mentor and source of motivation.
Corporate Wellness & Fitness
Online Training
Skype and FaceTime offer a convenient way for taking a Private Pilates session in your home, hotel or anywhere you can log on with a camera. To schedule send in your availability and be sure to include your time zone and contact. Grab your computer and your goals and let's get to work.

E-mail Lindsay for rates and availability.
Phone: 904-236-3441
Policy & Packages Overview
Before you begin a new workout regimen, please consult your doctor.
All appointments are scheduled in advance.
All cancellations require a 12-hour notice or the session is forfeited.